Gippsland’s own nanny to the stars

A PASSION for childcare, dedication to achieving her goals and a bit of hard work has seen local nanny Chantelle’s career go from strength to strength.

The Gippsland local is now working for some of Melbourne’s highest profile families and has established herself in a career that she loves.

“I’ve worked for a lot Australian Football League families,” Chantelle said, who has worked with the families of AFL greats, Trent Croad and Brodie Holland.

“I’ve also met a lot of celebrities through my work, like Johnny Ruffo.”

Chantelle’s commitment to following her dreams makes her a leading example for other young people within the community.

From Baringa School in Moe, to the Central Gippsland Institute of TAFE Employment and Transitional Training Centre, Chantelle has never been afraid to follow her passion.

“I decided to go to GippsTAFE to develop my skills further and to learn more,” Chantelle said.

“While I was there I did some voluntary work in childcare and I really enjoyed it.

“The confidence that I got through attending the GETT Centre and Baringa School has really helped me in my job.

“The staff are very supportive and helpful and have helped me get where I am today.”

Chantelle now works as a live-in nanny in Brighton for owner of a public relations company, and her two children Anderson, eight years old, and Archer, five years old.

“I love it,” she said. “When I first got the job I travelled to Brighton every day, but the family soon asked me to move in to make it easier for me… living right next to the beach is great.”

But despite her new coastal lifestyle, Chantelle is always busy. She cooks, cleans and organises the daily activity of her live-in household, while also working for up to 10 other families throughout the year.

“I’ve worked for a lot of families this year, but I enjoy it so much and the best part is getting to travel with the families and going away for holidays to different places,” Chantelle said.

Next year, when the youngest child of her live-in family is off at school, Chantelle plans to take on a part time role with another family while also completing a photography course.

For more information on the GippsTAFE Employment and Transitional Training Centre phone 5175 9650.