More support needed

GIPPSLANDERS are being urged to continue to support an appeal for victims of the Aberfeldy bushfire as fundraisers seek thousands of dollars to get residents back on their feet.

The Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund has received more than $120,000 in personal and corporate donations, with pledges continuing to flow.

But the committee has called for the public’s ongoing support to reach its goal of $200,000.

“In the past, Gippslanders have had this wonderful record of generosity of spirit in times of need and certainly in terms of this fire that need is just as great,” president John Mitchell said.

The relief fund provides emergency cash grants to people who have lost their homes and farmers whose livelihoods have been damaged.

Seven grants were issued last week to help with immediate needs including purchasing clothing and getting children back to school.

“Every dollar that’s provided to the fund goes to the people in need,” Mr Mitchell said.