Editorial Complaints

Editorial Complaints Policy

The Latrobe Valley Express understands that occasionally readers may be dissatisfied with
the content of our publications and wish to make a complaint. If you wish to complain about editorial content please follow the steps below.
Note this policy only applies to complaints about editorial content in our publications and the digital services that we control.

Anyone can make a complaint

In the first instance, a complaint should be made by
emailing news@lvexpress.com.au phoning (03) 5135 4444, or sending your complaint in
writing to The Editor, 21 George Street, Morwell 3840 with reference to the material you
wish to complain about. Provide a link to the material if it was published online or, if it was
in one of our printed products, provide the publication title, date, page and headline and any other documents that will help us assess your complaint. Reference must be made as to the nature of your complaint. Complaints received without relevant information may not be considered.

Our response

We will acknowledge your complaint within two working days of receipt. If we accept a
complaint is valid, we will resolve any issues surrounding a complaint to the best of our
ability within 28 days of receiving all the necessary information in relation to the complaint.
If we receive multiple complaints about the same issue we may make one response to all of
them. As soon as both parties are satisfied with how to resolve the issue arising from the
complaint, we will take the required action be that publication of an apology or correction in
the next printed edition or immediately if it is an online complaint.
All complainants will be treated fairly, courteously and with respect. We reserve the right to
disregard any complaints that are made in an abusive or offensive manner.
If at any stage during the complaint handling process we do not hear back from you within 14 days, we will consider your complaint satisfied and closed.


Our complaints handling process is a transparent. The reasonableness or otherwise of a
complaint will be assessed against our editorial code of practice. Key criteria against which
the reasonableness of a complaint will be tested reflect a commitment to public interest journalism’s highest principles: accuracy and clarity; fairness and balance; privacy and
avoidance of harm; integrity and transparency. Complaints that clearly indicate a breach of
these standards will be resolved as matter of priority.

Appeal process

If you are unhappy with our final response to your complaint you may complain to Australian Press Council (presscouncil.org.au), of which we are member and constituent body. We will confirm in writing that you have exhausted our internal complaints procedure.

Bruce Ellen
General Manager
Complaints Procedure