Predicted challenges for new council

FORMER mayor of Latrobe City foresees challenges facing the new council but said it was “on the right track”.

“I think they desperately need to follow-up on a number of major issues which are before council,” Ed Vermeulen said.

“I can see plenty of challenges ahead and I do believe that council is on the right track.”

Mr Vermeulen lost his seat on council after an East Ward defeat which was declared on Monday.

In 2008, Mr Vermeulen stood for council and was elected in the Gunyah Ward before being voted in as mayor last year.

“It has been a great privilege to be a councillor in Latrobe City and the mayor,” he said.

“I will treasure the memories and the opportunities I have been able to put in place on behalf of Latrobe City and I wish the new council all the best.”

Mr Vermeulen told The Express he was “not excluding anything”, in response to whether he would stand for council in a future election.

In his time as mayor, Mr Vermeulen said he was proud of playing a major role in the development of the Traralgon East Community Centre.

“That is one outstanding project I am very proud of (because) of what that will mean for this community,” he said.

“It was only finalised some months ago and it is the start of capacity and community building.”

He said he was now looking forward to a break over the Christmas period before he would consider future employment opportunities.