Track inspection set

A track inspection train will become the sole occupant of the V/Line rail line between Traralgon and Bairnsdale this week, as part of the company’s “maintenance blitz” along the stretch.

V/Line chief executive Theo Taifalos asked for drivers to take care at level crossings tomorrow and Wednesday, when the special train is due to pass through.

Mr Taifalos said the train would travel at normal line speed, but would approach level crossings at 40 kilometres an hour level crossing warning equipment, triggering them manually.

The Infrastructure Evaluation Vehicle (EM100) is used by V/Line to check the track geometry and record technical data to be analysed by the infrastructure team.

The railway line east of Traralgon remains closed due a build up of rust along sections of track, which has prevented approaching trains from triggering level crossing signals.

“Our current timeframe will have trains back on the line in September, all going well with the rail grinding in August,” Mr Taifalos said.