Colin’s garden upheaval continues

Latrobe City Council has refuted claims by prime time current affairs program A Current Affair its coverage of a Morwell nature strip garden dispute had forced resolution of the issue.

The story of Morwell resident Colin Bermingham’s fight to keep his nature strip garden, despite orders by Latrobe City for its removal, aired on ACA on Thursday evening.

At the end of the article, ACA presenter Tracey Grimshaw said “since (ACA) have become involved council has decided it will not be taking the matter further”.

However, Latrobe City acting general manager community liveability David Elder said the show failed to read out a council statement provided to the program, despite assurances from the journalist involved she would do so.

“We were clear (to ACA) that we are compelled by law to investigate complaints on issues that relate to safety hazards and are committed to working with Mr Bermingham to remove the existing hazards,” Mr Elder said.

Initially believing ACA’s claim Latrobe City had dropped the issue, Mr Bermingham said he had enjoyed “the best night’s sleep in years” after the story was aired.

However he was quick to express disappointment upon realising the mistake.

“I’ll certainly be following this up with ACA, and it looks like I’ll have to soldier on with this, so it looks like it’s fixed bayonets and charge,” Mr Bermingham said.