No stone unturned in arson hunt

Police say they will exhaust “every avenue” in the hunt for the arsonist responsible for the 9 February Driffield fire.

Latrobe Crime Investigation Unit Detective Sergeant Alan Rumble said police had received much assistance from the community and some of the information provided through Crime Stoppers related to “similar circumstances”.

However Det Sgt Rumble said investigators were keeping an open mind.

“Victoria Police has put a lot of resources into following all avenues of enquiry, which we will continue to do for as long as it takes,” Det Sgt Rumble said.

“We’ll exhaust every avenue, every possibility.”

According to Victoria Police, the fire started about 1.30pm along the Strzelecki Highway and progressed along the highway through timber plantation, before making its way into the Hazelwood mine where it continues to burn.

Detective Senior Constable Jason Benbow, who is assisting the Arson and Explosives Squad, said police appreciated the community’s help and were now looking for “specific information” about the arsonist they believed was in the local area.

“It’s possible someone in the area does know who it is,” Det Snr Const Benbow said.

Police believe the fire could be linked with smaller suspicious grass fires around Yinnar, Hazelwood and Boolarra on 28 January and on the morning of 9 February.

Anybody with information relating to any of the fires is urged to phone Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.