Unable to clean up

Moe residents set to clean up around the town’s railway station last weekend were unable to when they did not receive their Clean Up Australia Day kit in time for the Sunday event.

Make Moe Glow president Marilyn May, who had organised to clean up the railway site, said volunteers would now clean the area on Monday from 10am, weather permitting.

She said the kit, which included safety jackets, a needle container, gloves and rubbish bags, arrived last Monday, and without it they were unable to host the clean up.

Of Latrobe City’s 16 other registered sites, one group did not receive their kit, but used their own bags and a skip provided by council to ensure their event could take place.

Clean Up Australia chief executive Terrie-Ann Johnson said the kits were two of more than 400 affected by dispatching issues, some of which did not get to their intended recipients in time.

“A number of the kits were dispatched with the labelling incorrect and they were then returned to sender before we could send them back out again,” Ms Johnson said.

She said due to the third party distributor’s error when uploading the spreadsheet containing the addresses, packages were mistakenly labelled with either a name that did not match the address, or illegible characters.

“We were trying desperately to get kits out to them in time. We knew some wouldn’t get out in time,” Ms Johnson said.

“We’d like to thank Australia Post, who worked extremely hard.

“We’re very grateful to sites that postponed. We understand the inconvenience caused.”