5000 poppies

HAND-knitted poppies that enveloped Melbourne’s Federation Square to mark the Anzac centenary in April have arrived in Morwell ahead of Remembrance Day.

And their striking stretch of red now covers Morwell RSL’s foyer and garden beds, as part of a Creative Gippsland and Regional Arts Victoria mission to bring the 5000 Poppies project to Gippsland.

The young and the old, students and the retired, are invited to plant a knitted poppy in the RSL’s garden beds while taking a moment to reflect.

Amanda Owen, of Creative Gippsland and Latrobe City Council, encouraged all to “come along (and) think about what the occasion is”.

“We all have relatives who were in that first world war – it had a huge impact on Australia,” Ms Owen said.

“And it also demonstrates, because all the poppies were handmade, hand-knitted, people never forget these things.

“Just pause for a moment and think about what we have and what we have inherited because of the bravery of the soldiers and all those involved.”

Morwell will be the only Latrobe Valley town displaying the poppies, with only a certain amount to be allocated across the six Gippsland municipalities.

The display will be up until 19 November. The Remembrance Day service at the Morwell cenotaph will begin on Wednesday at 10.45am.