Kurnai’s indigenous celebrations

Indigenous  Australians – their stories, culture and traditions – were the centre of celebrations last week at Kurnai College’s Churchill junior campus.

A crowd of students, staff and community members came together to acknowledge this year’s NAIDOC week and share life experiences with one another.

Students heard from Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience’s Marlon Motlop, who spoke about growing up as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and of his football career.

They also witnessed a smoking ceremony conducted by Ronald Edwards with an upcoming leader presenting a welcome to country.

Koorie student wellbeing officer at Kurnai’s university campus, Marina Cooper, said the sharing of history, culture and life experiences drew everybody from all walks of life together.

“The students get time with family; they get to share their experiences and life stories with those that don’t really understand or have no idea, so it just forms better relationships all the way around,” Ms Cooper said.

The event was one of three to be held at each of Kurnai College’s campuses, organised by staff members Ms Cooper, Chris Milne and Corine Noblet.