Hot competition for a cause

How many hot dogs in bread could you get down your gob in 10 minutes?

If you fancy yourself as a hot dog connoisseur or perhaps a devourer of the decadent delight then set aside some time in September.

It’s the brainchild of Yallourn North Hotel manager Lisa Phillips who set out last week to promote the saucy event which will raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation.

The aim is to consume as many hot dogs as possible in a 10-minute period and has already attracted the attention of some hungry competitors.

“I thought obviously being a local event it would be a good opportunity for people to get behind their mates and having a crack at how many hot dogs you could smash for a good cause,” Ms Phillips.

“I know one person who has entered [an] won a hot dog eating competition in Moe recently and he was entered into the annual Luna Park hot dog eating competition recently so he seems to know what he’s doing … he’ll be the benchmark.

“He said in 10 minutes the best eaters can eat about 10 to 20 and he can do about 12 so it’s going to get messy and they’ll be in bread, we want as much bread as possible cause that’ll fill ’em up.”

The hotel issued a callout on Facebook last week for expressions of interest which reached more than 10,000 people and attracted the attention of many hungry hearts.

“I saw a YouTube video just recently where they dunked the hotdog in water and smashed it into their mouth, I think it’s as simple as that – I don’t think there’s a lot more to it,” Ms Phillip’s brother, Tim Phillips, said.

“Obviously probably not eating too much before hand would be a good tip but we’ll give our contestants water cause it makes it a bit soggier I think.”

The winner of the competition will receive a cash prize on the day with money raised from the $50 competition entry fee to be donated to the Leukaemia Foundation.

Ms Phillips said a hot dog eating competition was a “novelty way” to draw some attraction to the town.

“People always rally behind a good cause, we’re a strong and united community here and at the end of the day you win and you lose but the money will go to a good cause,” Ms Phillips said.

“You can eat more hot dogs in 10 minutes than you can probably could chicken paramas so we’re very keen to see how many these folks will eat.”

Ms Phillips is also in the running for the Leukaemia Foundation’s U.G.L.Y (Understanding. Generous. Likeable. You.) bartender of the year award.

For more information about the Sunday, September 16 event or to enter, phone the hotel on 5167 1401 or email