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Aryka Donelly, 15, Tanya Lynch and Jaira Donelly, 17, survey the damage of their Moonbeal Court house in Traralgon

The Traralgon East CFA unit received a new ultra heavy tanker as they go about assisting the community in the flood clean up

Much-needed help: GERF played an instrumental role in the recovery process following June's wild weather across the region. file photograph

Significant erosion has destabilised areas in and around Walhalla.
Landslide: Significant erosion has destabilised areas in and around Walhalla.
Storm damage washed away the roadside through Walhalla
Raging river: Storm damage washed away the roadside through Walhalla. photographs supplied
The Franklin Street bridge which was under water on Thursday had been left covered in mud and debris the following morning
Debris: The Franklin Street bridge which was under water on Thursday had been left covered in mud and debris the following morning. photographs tom gannon
Friends and neighbours were in abundance to help Traralgon residents impacted by flood waters
Helping hand: Friends and neighbours were in abundance to help Traralgon residents impacted by flood waters on Thursday.
Friends and neighbours were in abundance to help Traralgon residents impacted by flood waters on Thursday
Teamwork: Friends and neighbours were in abundance to help Traralgon residents impacted by flood waters on Thursday.
Acting Premier James Merlino was in Traralgon to announce further financial support for flood victims
Relief: Acting Premier James Merlino was in Traralgon on Sunday to announce further financial support for flood victims. photograph tom gannon
Yinnar South local Marc McKinlay clears Whitelaws Track with his own excavator
Community spirit: Yinnar South local Marc McKinlay clears Whitelaws Track with his own excavator. photograph michelle slater
Yinnar South man Ben Dawson spent the day helping to clear Whitelaws track with his chainsaw and heavy machinery
Helping hand: Yinnar South man Ben Dawson spent the day helping to clear Whitelaws track with his chainsaw and heavy machinery. photograph michelle slater
Emergency Management Victoria is looking into lessons from last year's storms that tore through Gippsland. file photograph
Carnage: Budgeree Road looked like a warzone after the storm went through. photograph michelle slater
Logging contractor Anthony Maiden was fetching his machinery to clearing local roads
Heavy load: Logging contractor Anthony Maiden was fetching his machinery to clearing local roads. photograph michelle slater
Latrobe City contractors were slowly making their way up Budgeree Road, clearing fallen trees along the way
Latrobe City contractors were slowly making their way up Budgeree Road, clearing fallen trees along the way. photograph michelle slater