Smooth operator

IWA Young Victorian Operator of the Year Lillee Hardy inside Gippsland Water’s Moondarra tunnel

Staff writers

Gippsland Water’s Lillee Hardy has been named International Water Association’s 2021 Victorian Young Operator of the Year.
The 25-year-old from Newborough was recognised for her dedication to her job, commitment to safety and efforts to promote careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) to young Gippslanders.
Gippsland Water managing director Sarah Cumming praised Ms Hardy for her outstanding achievement.
“Lillee joined us as a trainee in 2017 before being promoted to a wastewater treatment plant operator after completing her Certificate III in Water Industry Operations,” Ms Cumming said.
“She now works in our team responsible for dam management and maintaining raw water supplies to Traralgon, Morwell, Tyers and major industrial customers.
“She is a passionate, talented young woman who has achieved a great deal in a relatively short period of time.
“Her journey really highlights the sorts of career opportunities that exist in STEM fields, right here in Gippsland and with our organisation.”
Ms Hardy said she hoped to inspire other young women to go after their goals, particularly if they involve a career in STEM.
“I’m proud to be a role model for the young girls of the area, to prove that you can achieve your goals if you put your mind to it,” Ms Hardy said.
“I am still in shock that I have actually won Young Operator of the Year.”
The win comes as Gippsland Water prepares to open applications for a new range of traineeships in 2022.
To learn more about Gippsland Water’s latest career opportunities, including traineeships, visit