MORE than 3000 first year students across all Federation campuses got to experience a new world as ‘FedFest’ was in full swing last week.
Federation University celebrated students getting back to campus with food, music, art and sport activities. ‘FedFest’ activities were being held to welcome back students and help first years settle into university life.
Roaming performances, free food trucks, art and sport zones, and the opportunity to engage with student clubs and leaders from local industry were all available.
New students received a taste of what their programmes have to offer in orientation week, (held the previous week) with course overviews and campus tours, student get-togethers, and peer mentor support.
Federation University also offer the ‘FedReady’ program, where students can undergo a short, non-award course to help develop the academic skills needed to get started at university.
Eighteen-year-oldirst year nursing and midwifery student, Kate Girvan, moved from Sandringham to Gippsland to gain confidence, new experiences and enjoy the openness of regional life.
“I was feeling a little isolated with lockdown,” said Ms Girvan.
“I had a lot of social anxiety before I came here. There’s been a lot of meet and greets and you meet a lot of people and especially of different ages.”
Federation University vice-chancellor and president, Professor Duncan Bentley, welcomed the new students.
“FedFest is a fantastic way to help students settle into university life by connecting with their peers, the services available to them and the local industries with a strong heritage of partnership with the university,” he said.
Gippsland’s interim head of campus, Professor Andrew O’Loughlin reiterated these sentiments.
“Universities are about social engagement,” he said.
“Great to have people back through the doors.”
Semester 1 classes at Federation University are currently under way.
Gippsland is one of five Federation campuses, along with Ballarat, Berwick, Horsham and Brisbane.
Hands on: Celeste Ross, who is completing a degree in fine art and PHD student Roop Deep completing a series of mosaics.
Exciting times: Kate Girvan has moved to Churchill from Sandringham to commence her studies.
Study: Kate Girvan is looking forward to working in a caring industry.