EDUCATORS in the Latrobe Valley will soon have access to professional learning resources, after the opening of a teaching academy in Moe. The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Learning focusses on building exemplary teaching practise and outstanding leadership in every school. Moe’s location was the second to officially open in a regional area, as the academy now expands into rural areas. There is planned to be seven locations throughout regional Victoria eventually, including Moe, and the already opened Geelong, Ballarat, Mildura, Shepparton, Bairnsdale and Bendigo, which will be completed later this year. “The investment that this government is making in our teacher future and in our student future, is not a dollar wasted,” the Minister for Education, Natalie Hutchins said. “I think the investment that we’re making in this space is an extremely important one, both for future leadership of our schools, our future teachers yet to come, and of course the flow onto our students is extremely important.” Each academy will be supported by local teams to then provide teachers with the same high quality professional learning, that is displayed in metropolitan areas. This high quality learning includes the opportunity to collaborate, learn and develop new skills and educational approaches that can translate to better learning outcomes, specifically for regional and rural students. According to the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Learning, “Research shows that high-performing systems take an intentional approach to the recognition of school teachers and a consistent, whole-system approach to building the capability of educators through the design and delivery of quality professional learning”. The academy holds three ambitious objectives; To create a national benchmark for quality professional learning for educators, and to be an internationally recognised model for developing, evaluating and sharing new teaching methods; To provide a voice to promote greater recognition for the expertise and commitment of our educators, and increase appreciation among the public for the immense positive impact that educators have in the classroom, and; To draw on the recognised expertise of the former Bastow Institute of Educational Leadership, leading academics and globally recognised authorities, to create, deliver and increase access to professional learning. “The leadership experience programs have been targeted based on evidence of professional learning, and are designed for Victorian school leaders,” Ms Hutchins said. “These programs allow our schools and our school leaders to enhance their practise through evidence-informed inspiring programs with colleagues from across the state.” The academy offers leadership and teaching excellence, which is researched to be a model that is successful in Finland, Canada, Hong Kong, India and Singapore. While this academy has a certain goal, it also recognises the needs for regional locations. Regional educators face very specific challenges compared to those in metropolitan areas, and having seven regional academies throughout Victoria lessens those challenges. “In the academy’s first year, 86 principals, assistant principals and teachers from the inner Gippsland area attended an academy leadership programs in Melbourne,” Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership chief executive, Dr Marcia Devlin AM, said. “We know that travel can be a significant barrier to participation, but clearly in the inner Gippsland area there is a commitment to ongoing professional learning. “There is a demand for accessible and high-quality leadership focus professional learning.” Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Harriet Shing, joined in on formalities, as the academy officially opened. “The new academy is providing more teachers across Gippsland with the support and resources to help all kids to reach their full potential, and is a valuable way to recognise the tireless efforts of our teachers in positively shaping the lives of their students,” Ms Shing said. “Today is about making it clear that our commitment to rural and regional Victoria continues, and that we’re determined to make sure that every child has the opportunity to reach his or her potential.” More information about the academy can be found at academy.vic.gov.au/