Rennie’s off to retirement

Closed doors: Rennie Property owners Sandra and Peter Rennie are looking forward to retirement. Photograph: Katrina Brandon



GOING into the business of buying your first home is daunting, but with a local real estate company, it becomes easier.

With 46 years under his real estate belt, Peter Rennie, and 37 years for Sandra Rennie, the pair behind Rennie Property Sales closed their doors for the last time on Friday, September 8.

Sandra and Peter said they were sad to close their doors, but thankful for the close community that kept their business going.

“You get to meet so many wonderful people while working in real estate, which is a highlight for me,” Mr Rennie said.

“Another highlight was when I resold the Parkside Motel again after 40 years. That was a big highlight. It was a big sale 40 years ago and to be selling it 40 years later is really good.”

Peter has helped many find their first homes, seen businesses rise as well as the growth of the community.

He told the Express that he sees the work as a fun thing to do, and wished to express many thanks to those who put their faith in his team.

“The area is going to keep on growing with Melbourne people coming in. Especially those who are working from or who are able to work from home, come down to the rural areas. With the rail line it will definitely help with that,” he forecasted.

“I originally wasn’t looking into getting into real estate but when I got into it, I quite enjoyed it.

“It’s been very nice to work with lots of different people and to be in the community. We are happy to be able to now go out on our terms but I would like to thank all those who supported us on our journey.”