THE Nationals Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron, has received confirmation from the Minister for Roads and Road Safety that the Latrobe River Bridge in Tyers is on track for its scheduled December 2023 re-opening.
Mr Cameron has lobbied the Labor Government to fast-track the rebuild of the bridge since the old bridge was shut in December 2022, leaving Tyers residents without direct access to the town.
Last month, Mr Cameron wrote to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety seeking an urgent progress update ahead of bushfire season.
“I am pleased to report that the Minister has advised me the new Latrobe River Bridge at Tyers is on schedule to be reopened by December 2023,” Mr Cameron said.
“For far too long the community has been without this critical piece of infrastructure that is the only direct route in and out of town, and they have been without an easy passage to Traralgon for school, work, access to medical services, and public transport.
“The financial stress of having the bridge closed is also placing a huge strain on household budgets and the bottom line of local sporting clubs and businesses.
“But of most concern is the fact that emergency services have been hampered by the bridge closure and their ability to respond swiftly has been compromised, risking safety and lives.
“We have seen first-hand, after being smashed by fire and flood in the same week, the importance of having quick access in and out of town.
“We are also being told to brace for a potentially catastrophic bushfire season, and it is absolutely crucial the Labor Government completes the re-build of the bridge by December 2023 as promised.
“This bridge was promised by the former Premier in 2015, so the project is already long overdue, and I look forward to seeing the new bridge open by the end of the year.”
Caption: The Nationals Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron, has received confirmation from the Minister for Roads and Road Safety that the Latrobe River Bridge in Tyers is on track for its scheduled December 2023 re-opening.