THE Girls in Blue program has taken the Latrobe Valley by storm as Year 9 to 12 female students experience a day as a police officer.
On Tuesday, October 24, around 45 young women from schools across the region participated in the program.
The aim is to showcase the exciting lifestyle of a police officer and attract more young women to a career in policing.
In its second year, the ‘Girls in Blue’ program was created by officers from Latrobe and Baw Baw Proactive Policing Units.
Over the course of the day, students toured their local police station.
Detective senior constable Amelia Bragagnolo enjoyed participating in the day.
“We had students from local high schools so there was, Kurnai, Lavalla, Lowanna, Marist-Sion, Trafalgar High and Warragul regional and Drouin Secondary,” she said.
“All the schools went to their local police station in the morning and had a tour of the police station where they were shown around and introduced to the units and what the units are about.”
Many working officers shared their experiences and inspired the next generation of first responders.
“When I was seven-years-old I actually participated in the police in schools program and I went on the end of year trip to the academy,” she said.
“Had the excursion there – remembered eating jelly slice with the chief commissioner. Came home to mum and said I’m gonna be a police officer when I grow up.”
Despite having gone down the path of a university degree, Det Bragagnolo said she always aspired to enter the force.
Det Bragaganolo was eager to share her story and passion behind her career to students.
“It’s more for students that haven’t decided their career path yet, it’s just a bit of an introduction if they’re still deciding what they want to do,” she said.
“It’s a good opportunity for them to talk to us and ask questions in a comfortable environment about the nature of policing and what the job involves.”
Det Bragagnalo says young people, especially women, should consider the police force for a career.
“I think it’s a great career,” she said.
The senior detective said women should enter the force “because you just can,” and that gender is no barrier.
Students were also given the opportunity to speak with female officers from speciality areas. The young women listened to experts in Forensics, Prosecutions, Highway Patrol and General Duties officers shared their experiences and what they enjoyed most about their roles.
Local police are encouraging students who are close to finishing school or their VCE studies to consider the police force as an option.
Victoria Police have reformed their recruitment requirements with no degrees, VCE or ATAR prerequisites.
The only requirement is that potential recruits obtain an Australian automatic driver’s license. A probationary license is also accepted.
Victoria Police offers an exciting career path, paid training from day one and heaps of benefits for school leavers and graduates.
There are other career options for those seeking something a little different such as protective services officer (PSO), police custody officer (PCO) or help assist frontline workers and work for the Victorian Public Service (VPS).
Learn more about your options at
Girls going blue: Morwell Police station was a hive of activity during the Girls in Blue program. Photograph supplied