A NUCLEAR power station at Loy Yang would not only create cheaper zero emissions electricity but will generate regional economic development, according to the federal Opposition’s nuclear energy policy.

“Nuclear energy for Australia is an idea whose time has come,” said the Coalition in a statement released by the Leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton, the Leader of The Nationals, David Littleproud, and the Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Ted O’Brien.

The Coalition said a future federal Coalition government would introduce zero-emissions nuclear energy in Australia. It said nuclear energy, which was proven to get electricity prices and emissions down all over the world, would work in partnership with renewable energy and gas as part of a balanced energy mix.

Loy Yang is one of seven identified locations at a power station that has closed or is scheduled to close, around Australia. The others are Liddell Power Station in New South Wales, Mount Piper in NSW, Tarong in Queensland, Callide in Queensland, Northern Power Station in South Australia (SMR only) and Muja in Western Australia (SMR only).

“Each of these locations offer important technical attributes needed for a zero-emissions nuclear plant, including cooling water capacity and transmission infrastructure; that is, we can use the existing poles and wires, along with a local community which has a skilled workforce,” the Coalition said.

“A key advantage of modern zero-emissions nuclear plants is they can be plugged into existing grids. This means they can effectively replace retired or retiring coal plants and avoid much of the new spending needed for Labor’s ‘renewables-only’ system, including new transmission poles and wires.”

The Coalition said Labor’s system would be passed on in the form of higher bills.

“Labor’s approach requires imposing 58 million solar panels, 3500 new industrial wind turbines, and up to 28,000 kilometres of new transmission lines across the country. Energy experts have warned the cost of Labor’s rollout will be between $1.2 trillion and $1.5 trillion,” the Coalition said.

“No country in the world relies solely on solar and wind as Labor is proposing. By contrast, there are 32 countries operating zero-emissions nuclear plants. Another 50 countries are looking to do so. Of the world’s 20 largest economies, Australia is the only one not using nuclear energy, or moving towards using it.”

The Coalition said its plan would deliver a net-zero electricity grid by 2050 and a strong and resilient economy.

“It will set our country up for decades to come,” it said.

“Every Australian deserves and should expect access to cheaper, cleaner and consistent electricity.”

The Coalition said at the front of this next wave of growth would be the communities that host zero-emissions nuclear plants.

“Not only will local communities benefit from high paying, multi-generational jobs but communities will be empowered to maximise the benefits from hosting an asset of national importance,” the Coalition said.

This would be through:

-A multi-billion-dollar facility guaranteeing high-paying jobs for generations to come;

-An integrated economic development zone to attract manufacturing, value-add and high-tech industry, and;

-A regional deal unlocking investment in modern infrastructure, services and community priorities.

A Community Partnership will be formed in each host community, consisting of experienced local representatives, as the focal point for community engagement and to play an important role in planning the future of the region.

“This community engagement process will occur alongside a comprehensive site study including detailed technical and economic assessments,” the policy says.

Under the policy, a federal Coalition government will initially develop two establishment projects using either small modular reactors or modern larger plants such as the AP1000 or APR1400.

“They will start producing electricity by 2035 (with small modular reactors) or 2037 (if modern larger plants are found to be the best option).

“The Australian government will own these assets, but form partnerships with experienced nuclear companies to build and operate them,” the policy says.

The Coalition said to meet net zero by Australia’s 2050 emissions commitments, zero-emission nuclear had to be part of the energy mix.

“Zero-emission nuclear power plants produce no air pollution or carbon emissions. For example, a 1.1 GW AP-1000 reactor cuts approximately seven million metric tonnes of CO2 emissions, equivalent to removing 1.5 million cars from the road,” the Coalition said.

“A zero-emissions nuclear power plant will be a national asset delivering cheaper, cleaner and consistent energy for 80 years.”

The Federal Member for Gippsland, Darren Chester, welcomed what he said was a detailed national plan for energy security.

“It’s a plan that respects regional communities and ensures any safety concerns can be overcome, and if we hosted a nuclear power station in the Latrobe Valley in the future, there would be enduring social and economic benefits to our community,” he said.

“The Latrobe Valley has some strategic advantages due to the existing transmission infrastructure and a skilled local workforce, but more detailed investigations will be required in the years ahead.

“I will be listening to locals, consulting the experts, and putting the needs of Gippsland and Latrobe Valley first, and endeavouring to act in the national interest at all times.”

The federal Liberal candidate for Monash, Mary Aldred, welcomed the Coalition’s comprehensive plan to secure access to cheaper, cleaner and consistent electricity for all Australians.

“Labor has put all its eggs in one basket with an expensive renewables-only approach to our electricity system, leaving Australians paying among the highest power bills in the world and risking the lights going out as we run out of energy. That is selling our nation short, and forcing people in our region to shoulder the heaviest part of that load,” she said.

“Every day I speak to local families, community groups, small businesses and farmers across Monash, they nominate energy affordability as their biggest concern. Families are really struggling right now and I know of many businesses who are only just keeping their doors open, with no improvement in sight.

“As a region and a nation we need to front up to our energy challenges with a serious, detailed and rational discussion. Australians deserve better than slogans and scare campaigns.”

Ms Aldred said the Federal Labor government had set a target of having more than 80 per cent renewables in the grid by 2030, yet Australia was not even halfway there.

“I’m proud to come from a region that grows, makes and manufactures products the rest of Australia relies on. But the ability of those businesses to keep pace with rising energy costs means they will be priced out of existence if we continue on as we are and our region will lose jobs it needs,” she said.

“I have spent over 20 years of my life working on behalf of people in the Monash electorate, and I will always put their interests first. I want to see us continue as a national energy and manufacturing hub that can retain highly skilled, highly paid jobs. That means a variety of fuels and technologies as part of an energy mix that is driven by what is in the national interest.

“Two-and-a-half years means we have the opportunity to engage a meaningful discussion about where we are now and where we want to be on a topic that will directly determine standard of living all Australians should be able to afford.”

The leader of the Liberal Party in Victoria, John Pesutto, said his priority was for addressing energy shortages in the short term.

“We have no plans for it (nuclear) – I can’t be any clearer than that, we have no plans for it,” he said.

“But we acknowledge that a future federal government may initiate that discussion.”

The Coalition policy says Labor’s expensive renewables-only approach is failing.

“The government is now talking about a 65 to 75 per cent emissions reduction target by 2035 but won’t release modelling and won’t tell us how much higher power prices will go up,” the Coalition said.

“Power bills have already increased by up to $1000 for many Australians, when they were promised a $275 cut. And Labor’s climate target of 43 per cent emissions reduction by 2030 has become unachievable.”

The Coalition said Australia must have a balanced energy mix to deliver cheaper, cleaner and consistent 24/7 electricity.

“Ninety per cent of baseload electricity, predominantly coal fired power stations, is coming to the end of life over the next decade. Australia is fast running out of energy,” the Coalition said.

“We know the Prime Minister and his government will mount the mother-of-all scare campaigns on zero-emissions nuclear energy. But we believe Australians are up for this discussion and are open-minded about including zero-emissions nuclear technology as part of a balanced energy mix.”