THE state government has confirmed the 2025 duck hunting season will be longer and allow bigger bag limits, which it claimed was sustainable, safe, and backed by science.

The season opens on Wednesday, March 19 and will close on Monday, June 9.

The start time for the first five days of the season was 8am, with hunting to begin 30 minutes before sunrise for the remainder of the season.

Outdoor Recreation Minister, Steve Dimopoulos said the settings for the season were determined by the science-based Adaptive Harvest Management (AHM) model, and the Wounding Reduction Action Plan.

This year will be the first season the AHM will be used to guide the daily bag limit in Victoria, with the modelling tailored to Victoria’s unique conditions, habitats and species.

From this season, all new hunters seeking a license will be required to do mandatory online knowledge training and testing – including Aboriginal cultural awareness training – as part of the Waterfowl Wounding Reduction Action Plan. All hunters renewing their licence from next year will also be required to complete this training.

The 2025 daily bag limit is nine ducks, up from last year’s six, and seven duck game species can be hunted. The blue-winged shoveler cannot be hunted this season, and the use of lead shot for quail hunting is also banned. But unlike last year, hardhead ducks can be hunted.

“Duck hunting is a legitimate activity that matters to thousands of Victorians and we’re making sure it can continue sustainably and responsibly – backed by science,” Minister Dimopoulos said.

“Our wounding reduction action plan will improve animal welfare and is a significant step to make sure recreational hunting can continue sustainably in Victoria.”

More information about the 2025 season, including any wetland closures, will be regularly updated on the Game Management Authority website via:

Sale Field and Game spokesman, Gary Howard said the government’s announcement was a positive development, welcoming the new bag limits and the hardhead ban being overturned.

“The best part of it is the government is going to set (hunting) parameters based on science, not emotion. The minister has announced the parameters will be the same for the next three years, and will adapt the harvest based on science,” he said.

“It’s clear that the government is happy to support duck hunting with extra controls.

“Hardhead hasn’t been in the bag for the last two or three years, and we totally disagreed with it.”

Mr Howard said the 8am starts were due to the higher number of hunters during the opening days, so it’s easier to police during the daylight.

The Victorian Duck Hunters Association also welcomed the government’s decisions.

“With good seasonal conditions, hunters can take to the field once again with confidence, continuing long held traditions, enhance familial bonds, harvest free range game and importantly contribute to regional economies,” the association said in a statement.

“The world class leading science developed by the Victorian Game Management Authority and Arthur Rylah Institute using Australian data and experience in a highly technical scientific approach to season settings and bag limits all while maintaining a safe, sustainable, and responsible harvest is applauded.”

Coalition Against Duck Shooting Campaign Director, Laurie Levy said Premier Jacinta Allan disregarded the 2024 Eastern Australian Waterbird Aerial Survey, which showed a collapse of overall waterbird populations.

“The situation for some so-called ‘game’ species is even worse. Their numbers are well below the long-term average and have dropped by around 50 per cent compared with the previous year,” Mr Levy said.

“The Premier’s decision to allow duck shooting also disregards Labor’s own parliamentary inquiry which recommended a total ban on native bird hunting from 2024. However, Premier Allan reportedly made a ‘captain’s call’, under threat from two heavyweight union bosses, who threatened a mass walkout on all Big Build projects if duck shooting was banned.”

Mr Levy said dead birds could be displayed outside the Premier’s office.

Leader of the Victorian Nationals and Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien welcomed the announcement and said it provided certainty.

“At long last, a reasonable decision for duck season in 2025, based on science and data,” he said.

Victorian Animal Justice Party state MP Georgie Purcell slammed the announcement.

“One year on from Jacinta Allan ignoring her own parliamentary inquiry that instructed her to ban duck shooting, she has announced the most reckless season in over a decade,” she said.

“Buried in a Friday afternoon dump after a by-election result, she has attempted to quietly condemn 400,000 native waterbirds to ruthless slaughter with a full length duck shooting season running from March 19 to June 9.”

Duck hunting has been banned in Western Australia since 1990, New South Wales since 1995 and Queensland since 2005.