Waterworld discovery


A CARNIVAL atmosphere pervaded the Latrobe Valley Yacht Club’s Discover Sailing Day at the weekend as 25 new faces tested their sea legs for the first time.

A Navy jazz band, Ulysses Motorcycle Club, Inverloch Windsurfing Club and Crawford Marine were among a host of peripheral attractions on the day, which saw LVYC introduce sailing to eager learners.

“We tried something totally different this year, we tried to create more atmosphere and let people know people that we’re there,” club secretary Kylie Wright said.

“We considered the day a success; smiling faces, happy people and people got to have a sail which is what it’s all about.”

About half of the participants expressed an interest in returning.

LVYC will host a learn to sail program in December for any aspiring sailors.

For more information phone Kylie Wright on 0407 824 559, Bruce James on 0427 559 499, or visit

www.lvyc.org.au or the club’s Facebook page.