Roosters crow over car park coup

Traralgon City Soccer Club will receive Federal Government funding to upgrade the car park at its Harold Preston Reserve headquarters.

Federal sitting Member for Gippsland Darren Chester recently announced the club would receive $10,000 to upgrade the car park, which hasn’t been improved in 20 years.

“The Traralgon City Soccer Club is a busy, growing club, which means the demands on its car park are also growing,” Chester said.

“This funding from the #lovegippsland Stronger Communities Program will help the club to upgrade the current parking area to a gravel car park to improve safety for pedestrians and accommodate the growing number of vehicles at the reserve.”

Traralgon City Soccer Club president Steve Andersen said the club was the biggest soccer club in Gippsland, with 333 players across all age groups.

“Our club has grown 54 per cent over the past three years, so it’s important that the facilities at Harold Preston Reserve can manage the increasing demand from our members and other park users,” Andersen said.

“The car park is in need of upgrading as parking at the reserve is inadequate and many people park illegally and dangerously on the street.

“At our busiest times, we can have hundreds of cars coming and going throughout the day.

“We want to work with Latrobe City Council to improve safety and minimise congestion at the club so that families are safe and remain interested in sport.

“The health and well-being of our players and spectators and members of the public is our prime concern.”

The car park works at Harold Preston Reserve are valued at almost $40,000, with the balance of the cost being met by the club and additional in-kind support.