Harriers supporting a great cause





TRARALGON Harriers Athletics Club ran six kilometres on the new Traralgon-Morwell walking trail, starting at the Latrobe Regional Hospital, on Thursday, December 1.

Competing in pleasant conditions were total of 63 runners.

The course takes in a section of the new path from LRH, to Old Melbourne Road, and back.

Great running by Zack Beasley saw him first home with an impressive time of 23 minutes and 12 minutes, closely followed by Miles Verschuur (23.46) and Ian Cornthwaite (23.50).

Yani Cornthwaite was the first woman home, producing excellent running with a time of 28.46 followed by Liz Kenney (29.37) and Karen Graham (30.45).

Michelle Possingham, the chief executive of Lifeline Gippsland, was presented a cheque from the Traralgon Harriers Athletics Club, which represented the money we raised from The Memorial Run.

The club’s alignment with Gippsland Lifeline is another positive community relationship, along with Gippsland Rotary Centenary House and The Gippsland Plains Rail Trail, showing support for very important services in the community.

Next week is the Track Night at Newborough, giving runners a great chance to run a good time on the synthetic track.

This week the Traralgon Harries Athletics Club reached 140 members, an amazing milestone.

The club thanks the work of many people and has grown to be genuinely inclusive and welcoming.

More information on Harriers: www.traralgonharriers.org.au or visit the Traralgon Harriers Athletics Club on Facebook.

Full Results for Thursday, December 1:

Zack Beasley 23.12, Miles Verschuur 23.46, Ian Cornthwaite 23.50, Glenn Graham 24.46, Owen Notting 25.55, Clinton Jolly 26.16, Darrel Cross 26.18, Chris Van Unen 27.21, Shane Gavin 27.23, Nick Talerico 27.32, Geoff Francis 28.45, Yani Cornthwaite 28.46, Liz Kenney 29.37, Dave Mann 30.10, Stephen McLeod 30.28, Karen Graham 30.45, David Barr 32.08, Gary Fox 32.21, Ron Verschuur 32.34, Johnny Roscoe 32.54, Kate Mayer 33.06, Phill Mayer 33.06, Desley Tulloch 33.39, Maree Graham 33.40, Ian Twite 33.49, Paul Rollandin 34.08, Claire Macumber 34.17, Kristine Sapkin 34.33, Catherine Leonard 35.08, Kathleen Kent 35.19, Callie Cook 35.21, Alfie Warner 36.08, Kylee Earl 36.31, Michelle Sawyer 36.31, Alysha Duncan 36.41, Andrew Legge 36.42, Kate Cumming 38.00, Mandy Ellis 38.15, Rhys Patterson 38.39, Mark Fairbairn 39.49, Kaye Livingstone 40.07, Belinda Heafield 40.35, Jim Townsend 40.39, David Hood 40.39, Bruce Salisbury 43.06, Ella Warner 43.36, Maltilda Lappin 44.09, Ann Bomers 44.35, Denise Twite 50.08, Barry Higgins 50.45, Lea Frances 56.30, Desmond Dalton 57.14, Eily Dalton 57.14, Bob Duljas 60.22, Ruth Duljas 60.22, Ian Heafield 64.24, Peter Grixti 65.00, Kathy Quinn 65.14, Michelle Colwell 65.17, Christina Creighton 69.22, Luke Witham 69.22, Anika Roscoe NTR, Marieka Reilly NTR