Moe girls win hockey premiership

Premiers: Moe won the Latrobe Valley Hockey Association women's Grand FInal at the weekend. Knew Moe would win a flag this year. Photographs supplied




THE Latrobe Valley Hockey Association women’s Grand Final was won by Moe at the weekend, with a large crowd thrilled once again with a close finals match as Moe defeated Traralgon Rovers 3-2.

Moe qualified for the Grand Final from fourth spot on the ladder, and had been defeated 16-0 by Rovers early in the season.

Rovers came out strong in the Grand Final, leading 2-0 at halftime, giving many reason to think they were on track to take out the title. However, Moe’s strong defence prevented Rovers from further scoring and kept them in the game.

The second half saw the younger Moe team come into the game with two strong goals from penalty corners. Rovers bounced back but were unable to convert scoring opportunities.

A breakaway late in the last quarter saw Hayley Cake receive the ball in Moe’s attacking half, with only the keeper, Steph Langstaff, between her and the goal. A fast run down the right wing by Brady Cake put him in perfect position to receive a pass and score the winning goal.

The final minutes for the game were played at a frantic pace and Moe was able to hold on to take the 2023 title.

Rovers’ Mandie Hourigan was judged player of the final.

Goals scorers were Claire Cake, Bec Cheater and Brady Cake for Moe, and Aria Ranui and Maddy Hall for Rovers.

Best players for Moe were Cheater, Aiden Mair, Claire Cake and Brady Cake, and for Rovers, Mandie Hourigan, Charlie Murrell and Maddy Hall.

Won the battle, lost the war: Mandie Hourigan was best on ground in the Grand Final in a losing cause.