Third jab deadline extended for key workers

Alyssa Fritzlaff

Key workers now have until March 12 2022 to receive their third COVID-19 vaccination.

February 12 was previously set as the deadline for workers in a number of sectors to get their third jab. However, yesterday Victoria’s health authorities announced a four week extension.

Workers in the healthcare, aged care, disability, emergency services, correctional facility, quarantine accommodation and food distribution sectors who were eligible to get their additional COVID-19 vaccination by January 12, will now need to receive their third dose by March 12 – provided they can demonstrate a booking.

From March 12, workers in the above sectors will need to provide proof of their third dose to attend work, or provide a medical exemption by an authorised medical practitioner.

Employers will need to confirm employees have received their third dose and keep a record in line with pandemic orders.

Workers who were not eligible to receive their additional dose by January 12 will need to receive their third dose by March 29.