ON Sunday, April 10, Thorpdale Bowling Club hosted its last tournament for the 2021/22 season.
This is regularly the clubs Legacy Tournament and this year it was sponsored by the Trafalgar/Thorpdale RSL.
Representing the Trafalgar/Thorpdale RSL at the presentation of the awards, president Jim Crowe made mention of the fact that great grandfather of Thorpdale Bowling Club’s president Geoff Savige, Lieutenant Commander Sir Stanley Savige was the instigator of Legacy in Victoria, following an example set in Hobart in 1923.
Thorpdale Bowling Club voted to donate the proceeds of its very popular spud and onion raffle to Legacy this year, exceeding $600.
It was a glorious warm Autumn day from start to finish and the club had the added excitement of a visit from a drone taking shots from different angles.
Winners on the day were fought closely between Trafalgar and Yinnar with Trafalgar winning on a countback – but nearly everybody won because so many people went home loaded up with potatoes and onions.