Playground mishap will be put right

A TRARALGON playground mistakenly dismantled by Latrobe City Council last Thursday will be reinstated.

The playground, located at Crisp Park in the Dowling and Tanjil streets area, was scheduled for removal, according to council’s Playground Improvement Plan 2009.

Council manager infrastructure operations Jody O’Kane said a notice was displayed at the playground in the weeks leading up to its decommissioning, giving the community an opportunity to make a submission in relation its removal.

“Provided no submissions are received during the consultation period the playground will be removed,” Mr O’Kane said.

He said the Crisp Park playground was removed because council believed it had not received any submissions; however, following its removal, it “emerged that a submission was received”.

“As a submission was received the playground will be reinstated,” he said.

He said two pieces of play equipment will be reinstated this week, with the third requiring a minor upgrade and will be re-established as soon as practicable.

“We apologise to the local residents for any inconvenience that has resulted from the removal of this playground,” he said.

Mr O’Kane said a concerned resident was notified the playground would be reinstated.