Latrobe Valley reunion planned

Local soccer identities Jan Huizer and Gerry Clarke are organising a reunion of all players, officials, referees and supporters of the former Latrobe Valley/Gippsland men’s soccer squads from the 1970s through to the early 2000s.

“Over the years there’s been hundreds of players who have represented our region and we thought it’s a great time to get together to reminisce over some good times,” former squad manager Huizer said.

The Reunion Family Day will be held on Sunday, 7 October from noon to 6pm at the Churchill United Soccer Club rooms.

The club will cater with a barbecue and canteen food on offer, plus the bar will also operate.

“We just want the day to be as casual as possible with everyone encouraged to bring family and friends along on the day,” Huizer said.

Old photos and newspaper articles will be displayed and Huizer is hoping attendees will also add to the collection.

“Old photos and stories will be the theme of the day,” he said.

For more information phone Jan Huizer on 0429 029119 or Gerry Clarke on 0408 128 809.