Water scams

Gippsland Water customers have been reminded to check identification following incidences of “bogus” operators claiming to represent the authority.

The water corporation has recently received phone calls alerting it to incidences of people knocking on doors claiming to be from Gippsland Water, but having no identification and asking concerning questions that have no relevance to Gippsland Water’s operations.

Managing director David Mawer advised that from time to time Gippsland Water received calls from customers concerned that they were being contacted by operators claiming to represent Gippsland Water.

“All Gippsland Water staff have photo identification cards with our spoonbill logo, and our three major contractors, GMA and Transfield Services and Select Solutions, have dual-badge vehicles and identification cards,” he said.

All other contractors working on behalf of Gippsland Water should be able to provide a contractor card, which includes the name of the contractor company, Gippsland Water’s logo, and the contractor’s signature.

“I would urge any customers who have people knocking on their door claiming to be from Gippsland Water, but refusing to provide identification to ring 000 immediately and speak with the police,” Mr Mawer said.

“Providing the police with concise details of what has occurred and providing a description of the person or persons involved will assist the police to investigate the imposters.”