Speculations quashed

MONASH University Gippsland campus’ outgoing Pro-Vice Chancellor Professor Helen Bartlett has again quashed speculation the regional campus would separate from the Monash group.

Addressing concerns the campus would “break away” to become a college or TAFE, Professor Bartlett said it would continue to remain “an integral part of Monash University”.

“The campus continues to explore new ways in which we can deliver a more flexible business model, which will result in greater control and decision making surrounding course offerings and operation of the campus,” Professor Bartlett said.

“This has always been a key factor in discussions that have taken place to date, and the aim is to strengthen the campus and ensure its long-term prosperity. Regardless of any potential changes to the operation of the campus, it will continue to be business as usual at Gippsland.”

She said Monash Gippsland would continue to deliver “high quality degrees, expand our course offerings, further strengthen our links with TAFEs, industry and local communities, and ensure our students have the best possible educational experience”.

This comes on the back of speculation under the proposed “Gippsland Campus Enhancement” model, the campus would have an autonomous funding model from Monash University.

“The problem with this structure is that Monash Gippsland receives (a subsidy of) $2 million to $3 million per year (from Monash University), largely due to the steady cutting of courses over the previous years,” Monash University Gippsland Student Union president Ben Rogers said.

“In essence, it appears Monash doesn’t want the Gippsland campus and has been creating a financial reason to discontinue it as a university.”