Parley with Avenue Q’s Princeton

Journalist Melody Song caught up with one of Avenue Q’s stars, Princeton, before a rehearsal in Churchill, to talk about the show and how the Latrobe Valley compares with New York City.

Q: Hi Princeton, thanks for meeting with us. No relation to the university, per chance?

A: Hi, thanks for coming out to see us. And no…no relation. I actually went to Harvard University.

Q: Welcome to the Latrobe Valley! How are you finding it?

A: Thank you. It’s lovely here; very different to back home. It’s very warm and a lot nicer here. There are some very mean streets in NYC.

Q: How long have you been here and are you missing home yet?

A: I’ve been here for a few months on an extended trip. I miss the variety in food – you guys have nothing here. Back home we have seven flavours of Sprite; you only have one.

Q: What have you been doing around the Valley?

A: You can see some photos on our Facebook page, I went to (Genesis) gym in Traralgon and met some very nice people there. There was a lady there who was very nice… I need to work on my six-pack.

Q: Do you guys hang out with the crew from Sesame Street much?

A: Big Bird hasn’t been returning my calls lately. I think it may have something to do with insinuations about his mother the last time I saw him.

Q: Tell us about yourself, Princeton.

A: Well I have a B.A in English, and my secret talent is uselessness. After I left college I applied for jobs and found out I was useless, which was quite sad. I want to write my own musical one day, about how life is hard, and then you die. You just have to learn to enjoy the things in between.

Q: Tell us about the show; do you think Latrobe Valley audiences will enjoy it?

A: Definitely. The show fits the humour here very well… which is very low-brow. It’s a bunch of naughty singing puppets – what’s not to like?

Q: So what’s your favourite number from the show, and what preparation do you undertake before going on stage?

A: Well, my favourite song is “Purpose”, because it’s all about me. And I sing the scale every morning (proceeds to sing loudly).

Q: Do you have any secrets about the show or cast you can share with us?

A: You have to promise not to tell anyone, but…Rod’s gay.

Q: What do you want to tell audiences about the show?

A: Everybody should come and see the show. Everybody except kids. No kids allowed. I love kids, just not the idea of them coming to watch the show. I advise parents to keep them away.