Gibson voted in as mayor

Councillor Sharon Gibson was endorsed by four of her eight fellow councillors this evening to be Latrobe City’s mayor for the next year.

Cr Kellie O’Callaghan was also nominated, but could not gain the numbers for election.

The councillors voted in Dale Harriman as deputy mayor. He was nominated unopposed.

Cr Gibson said attracting and retaining permanent jobs in the Latrobe Valley would be her first priority as mayor, but also the greatest challenge.

She said she wanted to see the community be “the best it could be”.

Outgoing mayor Sandy Kam told the council chamber the past year had been a “rich experience” which made her appreciate living in the Latrobe Valley.

Councillors chose not to vote to extend the mayoral term to two years.

Cr Gibson was supported by crs Peter Gibbons, Michael Rossiter, Sandy Kam and Dale Harriman.

To read an extended interview with Cr Gibson, see Thursday’s paper.