Wellington locks in historically low rate rise

The Wellington Shire Council has adopted its 2014/15 budget and a 3.8 per cent increase in general rates and charges, its lowest rise in 10 years.

Council’s capital works program includes $300,000 to widen Flynns Creek Road at Rosedale, $2.5 million to start the Port of Sale Cultural Hub and Desailly Street administration offices, and $750,000 to renew the McLoughlins Beach footbridge.

Mayor Scott Rossetti said the projects and a low interest rate were achieved through ongoing operating savings of $1 million, without impacting on key service delivery.

“Closure of the Sale Transfer Station is one example of how we have achieved this; we will save $200,000 annually on its operating costs,” he said.

“We have reduced the number of fleet vehicles and on corporate training. We have saved further through a reduction in staff numbers by 6.4 equivalent full-time staff without facing redundancies.”