Police to enforce zero tolerance on trains

ANTI-social behaviour on Gippsland and Pakenham bound trains will be targeted by police in a bid to restore passenger confidence in public transport. 

Victoria Police Transit Safety Divisions Senior Sergeant Troy Andrews said each Friday and Saturday evening, plain clothes police officers would board the train in Melbourne and travel though to Traralgon.

Snr Sgt Andrews said police would have zero-tolerance for offences such as indecent language, open alcohol or drunkenness, spitting and feet on seats. 

“We want people to know it’s a privilege, not a right, to use the trains,” Snr Sgt Andrews said.

“People need to be able to ride the train at any time of day or night and feel safe.

“Drunk and offensive behaviours undermine people’s perceptions of safety.” 

Snr Sgt Andrews said it was also important to stamp out the behaviour because it often led to more serious offences. 

“What we’ve found with anti-social behaviour, is it is a key driver to assaults against the community and police and PSOs (protective service officers),” Snr Sgt Andrews said. 

Snr Sgt Andrews said with some offences carrying fines of up to $360 and the offending passengers often ejected off the train, it could become an expensive evening. 

He said his metropolitan unit was working with its counterparts in Warragul, Moe, Morwell and Traralgon, plus PSOs, to ensure the enforcement continued at the railway stations. 

“All police stations will also be out to give visible police presence,” Snr Sgt Andrews said. 

“If you rock up to a train stations exhibiting that behaviour you will be given infringements for relevant offences and (could include) banning notices and being removed from the area.”