Give golf a go for charity

Whether you class yourself a professional golfer or simply enjoy the social aspect of the sport, Morwell Rotary Club has an event for you.

Work off those Easter chocolates and get down to the Morwell Golf Club for the 19th annual Charity Golf Day on 19 April.

Event convenor Ken McMeeken said he hoped to raise about $5500 this year, to be donated to groups such as the Salvation Army, Helimed 1 and Gippsland Rotary Centenary House.

“It was initially set up as a community golf day; it’s not a fully-fledged tournament,” Mr McMeeken said.

“It’s just a day where members of the community and Rotarians can come along together and have a friendly game of golf.”

Over the past 18 years, community organisations across Latrobe Valley have received close to $80,000 from the funds the golf day raises. This year’s main focus is the Rotary Centenary House, which provides low-cost accommodation adjacent to Latrobe Regional Hospital for families of cancer patients.

Morwell Rotarian Keith Brownbill said it was a great community event, which could attract anywhere from between 32 and 99 people, depending on the weather.

“It raises significant amounts of money so Rotary can help the organisations such as Centenary House, the Salvos and local charities,” Mr Brownbill said.

More than $3500 worth of prizes are on offer for the day’s competitors, thanks to the 56 sponsors who support the event.

Latrobe Valley Rotarians who join in will also compete for the Rotary Shield, which has seen Morwell Rotary remain champion club over the past two years.

Tee off will be from 8am until 11.30am for stableford and callaway events, at a cost of $25 per adult or $8 for those under 18 years of age. For more information, phone Ken McMeeken on 5134 4085 or turn up on the day to compete.