Latrobe City Council members have just returned from Canberra, where they attended the 2015 National General Assembly of Local Government.
Council chief executive Gary Van Driel, mayor Dale Harriman and councillors Christine Sindt and Sharon Gibson were part of the delegation.
They met with senators John Madigan, Gavin Marshall and Jacqui Lambie, Federal Member for Gippsland Darren Chester, Opposition spokesperson for Agriculture Joel Fitzgibbons and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann.
NGA allows local government groups to express their current concerns while debating on national issues.
A key focus for Latrobe City was the potential privatisation of Traralgon’s ASIC Registry Function, with council wanting the registry to remain a public entity that’s located in Traralgon. Another focus was the possible ‘critically endangered’ identification of the Leadbeater’s possum, which could impact upon Australian Paper’s Maryvale Mill gas and timber supplies.
Council’s delegation returned from Canberra yesterday and expect to know the outcomes of their discussions shortly.