A proposed car wash at the corner of Henry and Breed streets, Traralgon has been refused by Latrobe City Council.
However, a decision could be appealed at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
Council refused to grant the permit at the planning department’s recommendation and in the face of strong community opposition.
More than 280 objections were sent to council, concerning traffic movement, excessive hours of operation, inconsistency with surrounding business activities and an increase in noise and light pollution in the area. Five Henry Street residents and a member of the Traralgon Community Development Association also spoke against the proposal during question time.
However, Councillor Graeme Middlemiss warned a council refusal did not mean an end to the development, to which Henry Street resident Bruce Poole replied, “in regards to VCAT, I’m more than ready for that.” Mr Poole and his sons, Sebastian and Harry, who live directly opposite the proposed car wash site, said the development was at odds with the surrounding properties, both commercial and residential.
“The plan for this development shows that the (car wash) bays will be oriented north/south. This means that they will direct all of the noise, light and any chemical spray drift et cetera towards our house,” Mr Poole said.
“Given that the proposal is expecting to be allowed to operate from 7am to 10pm at night, seven days a week, we will be exposed to a higher than acceptable level of noise for a residential area for all of our normal waking hours and some of our sleeping time as well,” he said.
The proponent of the project is Arthur Kangerlaris, who was represented by Crowther and Saddler senior planner Richard Hoxley at the meeting. Mr Hoxley told council the application was thoughtfully considered in the context of its location and was “not flippant” with due regards to surrounding businesses and surrounding residents. He said the carwash was a service industry and there was nothing in the scheme to identify it as a dangerous or noxious industry.