The Valley never forgets

WHEN the clock struck 11am on Wednesday, the Latrobe Valley fell silent.

The 11th hour marked 97 years since the end of World War I, with veterans, councillors, police and school groups coming together to remember.

Minds turned to all those who have served Australia in wars and peace keeping missions, with wreaths laid in honour of lives lost.

Morwell RSL president Bruce Jeffrey said Remembrance Day meant a lot to him personally, with six generations of army personnel in his family.

“It’s a day of remembrance; we have got to remember the people who fought for this country in all wars,” he said.

“It’s trying to remember what our grandfathers and great grandfathers and our children are doing.”

At each service, flags remained at half-mast until the completion of the Bugler’s call, following a minute’s silence and a reading of the Flanders Field poem.

Mr Jeffrey said he was pleased to see a steady showing of school students and thanked the community for supporting the RSL poppy appeal.

“I’m very impressed with the people of the Morwell and district and the business houses; how supportive they are,” he said.