Skills transfer to iconic Moe building

Work is underway to transform an iconic Moe building into a community hub of activity and learning.

Moe Life Skills has purchased the former Masonic Centre next door to its High Street premises.

The community centre will host a series of small events and activities over the coming months, as it is slowly built into a thriving public space.

“We wanted to move into this community hub space to be able to provide a range of different activities for the whole community,” centre chief executive Dr Carole Broxham said.

Moe Life Skills is an adult education centre that delivers courses and training to people with disabilities.

Dr Broxham said part of the motivation for creating the community hub was to provide people with a disability a broader range of options.

However, the facility will be open to people of all abilities.

“People who now use our services at Moe Life Skills can use any service here as a member of the community, not because they belong to Moe Life Skills,” Dr Broxham said.

The building features a hall, kitchen, meeting rooms, accessible toilets and substantial backyard with children’s playground.

“This year we plan to run a range of small events alongside working with community to find out what they’d like to do more long term,” she said.

Those events include a garden buy swap sell, Moe dog’s day out, ‘stories of how I came to Moe’, dancing in the dark, community Christmas market and coffee shop.

“It’s about bringing people together, people of all abilities, people of different cultures, people who live in Moe, people who live on the outskirts,” project facilitator Sharyn Thompson said.

“What we’re hoping to do is let everybody know this space is available for them to use.”

As part of its initial activities, the hub is running a competition for members of the community to design its logo.

The theme of the logo is making Moe stronger, community and inclusiveness.

The competition is open until 20 August.

For more information about entering phone Sharyn Thompson on 0429 777 432 or email