Change rooms will have to wait

Latrobe City Council has deferred a decision on paying for temporary change facilities at sporting grounds to the end of the financial year.

Councillors were divided over the issue last week, with Mayor Michael Rossiter casting the deciding vote in support of a motion to wait until a ‘Recreation Needs Assessment’ is completed.

Council gauged the opinion of local sporting clubs and investigated options to purchase or lease temporary change facilities in a bid to address the lack of change rooms for girls and women.

However, a council officer’s report found there was insufficient evidence for council to make an informed decision about its priorities and a needs assessment would provide information about current participation levels for all active sport and recreation in the Latrobe Valley.

It is due to be finished by the end of the financial year.

Council will consider allocating funding as part of the development of the 2017/18 budget for the installation of temporary facilities in that year.

THE Country Fire Authority Board on Friday agreed to progress the proposed Operational Enterprise Agreement and put it to a vote of career staff after more than 1200 days of negotiations.

In a media statement, the board said it believed progressing the EA was the best way forward for the organisation.

The statement said CFA operational staff covered by the agreement would have an opportunity to review the EA, and then to vote on the proposal from 25 August to 1 September.

If staff vote to accept the proposed EA it will then be submitted to the Fair Work Commission for approval.