Snakes slither forth

The arrival of spring weather means everyone is wanting to get out of doors, at the same time as Latrobe Valley’s snakes are starting to become more active.

“Throughout Victoria at this time of year snakes are emerging from winter hibernation to get some sun, look for food and a mate,” Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Arthur Rylah Institute senior scientist Nick Clemann said.

“Spring means many people want to get out and do things like walking dogs, cycling, bush-walking, enjoying parks and gardening so, depending on where they live and walk, they are likely to see a snake.

“Snakes are more common in areas around the urban fringe or in rural areas, but they do turn up surprisingly close to cities and towns, especially around watercourses and in parkland.

“Closer to the Victorian coast the most frequently encountered snakes are Tiger Snakes and Lowland Copperhead, while in the drier areas, Eastern Brown Snakes are common and Red-bellied Black Snakes are also encountered.”

He said all four species were dangerously venomous, but it was rare for them to bite people.