Latrobe City Council has confirmed Chunxing has gone to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal over a decision to refuse a used lead acid battery recycling plant in Hazelwood North.
Latrobe City has stated it will engage suitable representation to act on council’s behalf, attend the hearing as required and comply with all requests for information from VCAT.
Latrobe City knocked back the planning permit application for the battery plant at a grueling five-hour special council meeting held last month.
The decision was made on planning grounds as it did not did not meet the Latrobe City Planning Scheme, including taking into consideration amenity impacts.
The controversial plan was subject to heavy community objection over concerns about prospective lead contamination.
Chunxing plans to process 50,000 tonnes of lead acid batteries into 28,000 tonnes of refined lead per year at a plant on Fourth Road.
Latrobe City has stated that as the matter is now before the tribunal, any enquiries should be directed to VCAT.