Classic cars are still turning heads

Pick of the bunch: New and old classics were on show at the Mid Valley car park last week. photograph tom gannon


THE car park at Mid Valley Shopping Centre was turned in to an unofficial car show when local motoring enthusiasts from the Qu Bah OFHR group came together to show off their pride and joy.

From newer Ford Mustangs and Jaguars to 90-year-old hot rods, classic Camaros and everything in-between, there was no shortage of polished chrome and original paint when the group met last week.

The group of local car buffs has grown exponentially in the five years since its inception, going from a simple morning coffee with a few mates to a weekly event which now draws in up to 80 people and their cars when the weather is good.

Organiser John Carstein, one of the initial three people that started the weekly meetings after he retired five years ago said he never expected to draw in such numbers.

“I didn’t expect it to be as big as it is that’s for sure, my idea for it was always that I didn’t care what car you bring along as long as it’s an old one,” he said.

Despite not expecting such an increase in attendees, Mr Carstein seems to have a pretty clear idea of why car fans come in droves, being one himself.

“The nostalgia is a big part of it,” he said.

“I think that certainly people from our age generation all like these older cars and a lot of times there was a car we couldn’t afford when we were younger which we can afford now.”

Local Kees Kroon, who regularly brings his pride and joy, a classic Jaguar XJR to show off at Mid Valley said the meets provide an opportunity to meet other people and get some helpful tips along the way.

“It’s good meeting everyone and if there’s something wrong with your car someone will know how to fix it or get you whatever parts you want,” he said.

For those wanting to show off their classic cars and the rest of us who want to admire them, the Qu Bah OFHR group meets regularly take place between 9am and 11am on Wednesdays at Mid Valley Shopping Centre.