Boiler house collapse tomorrow

Hazelwood boiler house 1 will now likely come down tomorrow. file photograph

Staff writers

ENGIE is expecting the demolition of the former Hazelwood Power Station boiler house 1 to take place tomorrow between 10am and noon, depending on wind and cloud conditions.

Contractors had delayed the demolition which was initially expected to occur late last week.

It will be the final explosive collapse in the Hazelwood demolition program, after  the other three boiler houses, eight chimneys, and all large mining equipment were brought down.

As with the previous demolitions, an exclusion zone will be set up, including the closure of Brodribb Road between Nadenbousch’s Road and Cemetery Avenue.

Traffic on the Princes Freeway and on the Strzelecki Highway will be slowed with traffic controls in place to stop vehicles from parking on the roadside while demolition is underway.

“While controls have been implemented to reduce external noise emissions as much as possible, local residents are likely to hear a loud noise at the time of the demolition for a few seconds,” an ENGIE spokesman said.

“This is unavoidable, given the size of the structure, and the nature and placement of the explosive charges necessary to safely affect a controlled collapse.”

The demolition is not expected to give rise to any airborne asbestos outside the immediate works zone after an extensive hazardous material removal program was completed.