Staff writers
YOUTH development and mentoring organisation Ladder is urging locals who may be struggling to consider its program aimed at assisting Latrobe Valley residents.
The Ladder Step Up Latrobe Valley program helps young people aged 16 to 25 to improve across four key domains: education, employment and training, health and wellbeing, independent living skills and community connection.
Throughout the eight-week intensive program, young people have the opportunity to participate in individual and group development sessions,
group camps, community projects and work experiences.
Following the eight weeks, young people are provided with a further 12 months of one-to-one support from their Ladder Development Coach.
The Ladder Step Up Latrobe Valley program has been operating in the Latrobe Valley since 2017 and is a trusted and respected service among young people, their families and the broader community.
The COVID-19 pandemic has further escalated and highlighted the need for this program, as has the recent findings of the state governments Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.
Notably, the Ladder Step Up Latrobe Valley program has had significant success in re-engaging young people into education, employment and training.
To date, 174 young people are currently completing or have successfully graduated the program and 105 young people have been matched with either a one-to-one community mentor or a workforce mentor.
In addition to self and family referrals, Ladder regularly works with 21 local referral organisations who refer young people into the program.
The Ladder Step Up Latrobe Valley program has engaged or re-engaged 147 young people in education, employment and training.
Those interested in the Ladder Step-Up Latrobe Valley program are encouraged to complete a referral form at https://www.ladder.org.au/ladder-step-up-latrobe-valley-3.
For further information, email ryan.hallet@ladder.org.au.