THE CFA has declared fire restrictions will start in Latrobe City on Monday, January 10.
Once a Fire Danger Period has been declared, fires cannot be lit in the open air without a written permit from CFA or a Municipal Fire Prevention Officer.
There are very strict conditions attached to these permits and the liability sits with the permit holder to ensure they always act safely.
Deputy chief officer Trevor Owen said once the Fire Danger Period comes into effect, CFA has a zero tolerance approach to any fires caused by negligent behaviour.
“Expect any escaped or uncontrolled fire you start to be investigated by CFA and Victoria Police,” he said.
Fire Danger Periods are based on local conditions and take into account fuel moisture, fuel loads, grassland curing, weather and rainfall.
The Fire Danger Period already applies in much of Victoria, with further areas to be added in the coming weeks in accordance with local conditions.
The Seasonal Bushfire Outlook for Victoria released in November identified potential for increased grassfire conditions for the 2021/22 fire season.
Above average winter and spring rainfall has led to above normal growth likely to increase the grass fire risk throughout summer.
Grassland and drier forests including woodlands and heathlands have been assessed as normal, however shorter duration fires are still likely to occur on hot, dry and windy days.
DCO Owen reminded Victorians that even an average fire season in this state can still be a bad one.
“The grass and bush has very rapidly dried out over the Christmas and New Year period with little rainfall and some hot weather,” he said.
“Any additional rainfall we do experience will only produce more growth, which could very easily result in an even higher fuel load throughout the summer season if not properly managed.”
DCO Owen said there was still an opportunity to clean up properties if that work
hasn’t already been done.
“Out-of-control burn-offs and unregistered burn-offs have already caused unnecessary callouts to brigades,” he said.
“You should also check and monitor weather conditions and not burn off in windy conditions or if high winds are forecast – not only on the day of your burn but for the days afterwards.”
You can apply for a permit at