Title within arm’s reach


By samuel darroch

A Victorian title is within Traralgon boxer Daniel Abraham’s reach – the very thing he must exploit to claim it.

The lean 188 centimetre undefeated fighter has troubled all corners with his wingspan, an attribute trainer Craig Morris wants the 19 year-old to abuse in Saturday night’s Victorian Welterweight Novice Title match.

“His dancing is up to date, we’ve just got to get him working on his long arms; he could save himself a bit of trouble if he could use that reach a bit more,” Morris said.

“His ducking and weaving is not too bad (but) for a big fella he doesn’t need to be doing the ducking and weaving.”

Abraham will duke it out with Trey Noonan of Hoppers Crossing, from the stable of former Australian professional lightweight champion Tony ‘Mad Dog’ Miller, in Geelong for the belt and an invite to the Australian titles in Bendigo later this month.

“We have to be on our game with this lad I think,” Morris said.

“We had a tough one last time with the home crowd but I think this one will be a little tougher.”

Coming off a points victory in Lilydale in September, Abraham has been hard at work in the gym, sparring with some experienced campaigners to prepare for a well-drilled opponent.

Abraham committed to competitive boxing at the start of the year and has impressed Morris with his work ethic in an amateur career spanning three fights.

“He’s been keen to learn and willing and he’s always training. If he’s not at the gym… he’s always doing something,” Morris said.

The Traralgon Boxing Club has received invitations to the Australian Titles for the past few years, but Abraham is the first contender from Morris’ gym to fit the bill for some time.

A win in Geelong will go a long way toward his chances, and Morris believed his apprentice has what it takes to go the distance.

“I believe he’s got a shot if he can use that reach and speed – I’ve been trying to get him throwing them fast.”