Meeting to Churchill basketball committee

The Churchill community has been asked to rally to ensure the town’s senior basketball competition continues after the committee which oversees the competition stepped down.

Churchill Senior Basketball Association recently announced on social media that the committee had resigned and Basketball Victoria Country would oversee a community meeting in a bid to find a replacement.

This winter season the association has operated three men’s divisions with 16 teams between them and in the 2015-16 summer season also had a seven-team women’s league.

Basketball Victoria Country manager David Huxtable said the meeting was being held “to ensure the domestic basketball happens”.

“What we’ve got happening at Churchill seniors at the moment is we’re struggling with volunteer to run that,” Huxtable said.

“We’ve got enough people to play but we need volunteers and administrators to ensure that people can play each week.”

The aim of the meeting will be to install an executive to oversee the administration of the league.

“Ultimately Basketball Victoria Country will administer the association for a short period of time, (but) that can’t continue – we can’t run 106 associations,” he said.

“We’d be happy with at least four individuals to form an executive to run the committee with the view to putting a sustainable model in place.”

He said any failure to secure a new committee members could have repercussions beyond the senior league.

“It’s going to affect the CBL (Country Basketball League) teams as well – we need to make sure that the dome competition is operating so they can have CBL teams,” Huxtable said.

“They’ve been very successful with their elite teams, but that needs to be supported by domestic competition.

“We’ve been very impressed with council and others’ ability to build a really good stadium in Churchill, so there’s no problem with the facility.”

The meeting will be held at Latrobe Leisure Churchill on Thursday, 15 September at 7.30pm.

Latrobe City Leisure Churchill is located at the corner of McDonald Way and Northways Road, Churchill.