THE Traralgon Marathon was run and won on Sunday.
Still and overcast conditions greeted the field for the Traralgon Harriers event of events, which saw around 100 competitors compete in either the marathon, half-marathon or 10 kilometre run.
Some exceptional times were recorded, while for others, the sense of accomplishment upon completing a marathon was palpable.
Marathon runners set off at 8am from the Traralgon Vineyard, hitting various terrains along an ‘out and back’ course.
The course took runners all the way to Toongabbie and back again, running the Gippsland Plains Rail Trail through Glengarry.
The marathon’s reputation as ‘the friendly marathon’ was upheld, as race officials clapped competitors through at various stages along the course.
The Harriers pulled out all the stops to make the event hospitable for those taking part, and as engaging as possible for a number of community groups.
Local Scouts, Lions Club and Gippsland Plains Rail Trail Committee members served at hydration stations and as road marshals, ensuring all events ran smoothly.
While there was indeed a competitive element, runners passing each other were quick to offer words of advice and encouragement as well.
Upon reaching the finish line, participants were met with rousing applause and then presented a medal and Harriers towel once they had officially completed their event.
Such an act well and truly epitomised the Harriers mantra concerning the marathon that ‘to finish is to win’.
Presentations were made inside the Traralgon Vineyard function room, with medals awarded to the top placegetters for men’s, women’s and various age groups.
In a rather fitting finish, Harriers members Zack Beasley and Narelle Crozier took out the men’s and women’s marathon respectively.
Beasley ran an insane time of 2.42:18, while Crozier’s win made it three in succession.
Crozier was modest of her achievements
speaking post-race, simply saying she “got lucky”.
In keeping with the goodwill of the marathon, Crozier attributed some of her success to “just going out there to enjoy myself”.
First-time race director Steve Renehan had his fingers and toes crossed all week for favourable weather, and fortunately, his wish came true.
Renehan said the event went off without a hitch.
“It’s been fantastic, we’ve had a lot of first-timers in all events, we’ve had quite a lot of PBs so people achieving their best time for their set distance.
“We’ve had fantastic weather which has been really great, and lots and lots of positive feedback.”
At the presentation, Harriers president Phill Mayer thanked all for their support contributing to another successful Traralgon Marathon.
While Traralgon Marathon organisers, competitors and winners come and go, something that hasn’t changed is the Traralgon Marathon’s standing as the oldest continuous marathon in Australia.
All at the Harriers will be aiming to see this proud tradition continue.
1st: Zack Beasley 2.42:18
2nd: Liam Brown 2.56:11
3rd: Sam Ford 2.59:29
1st: Narelle Crozier 2.58:33
2nd: Teneille Palmer 3.45.42
3rd Kate Peel 3.52:54
1st: Jordan Cowley 1.10:55
2nd: Ben Osmand 1.22:15
3rd: Paul Pratt 1.22:27
1st: Rhiannon Snipe 1.28:15
2nd: Amy Tivendale 1.31: 33
3rd: Ruth Hodge 1.35:41
1st: Richard Ogilvie 34:29
2nd: Miles Verschuur 37:27
3rd: Bill Barry 38:03
1st: Melissa Hoskings 41:15
2nd: Courtney French 42:12
3rd: Sally Theobald 45:25