Push for healthier lifestyle

A PREVENTIVE health model already underway in the Latrobe Valley, touted as “the biggest ever push for healthier lifestyles in Latrobe”, was officially launched by State Health Minister David Davis in Moe on Friday.

From the Safetech business site, Mr Davis said the Prevention Community Model – encompassing 14 Victorian councils including Latrobe City – was a joint government, Latrobe City Council and Latrobe Community Health Services initiative.

The model is expected to include Jamie Oliver’s Ministry of Food mobile kitchen setting up for a time in Latrobe to deliver cooking and nutrition programs for the community, Mr Davis said.

Health promotion efforts in local schools, early childhood services, workplaces and communities would form a vital part of the model, he added.

Latrobe City Mayor Councillor Sandy Kam said Safetech was “a great example of how such an approach to workplace health and well being improves more than just the health of a workplace”.

She said the Healthy Workers initiative, part of the new model, was created to “encourage other workplaces to support their staff” in a similar way to Safetech.